701-100 Dumps Updated Real DevOps Tools Engineer Exam Material

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Question 1:

Which statements are true regarding databases during the deployment of a new release of a service using canary deployment? (Choose two correct answers.)

A. Changes to the database schema can take long and reduce the database performance.

B. Traffic to the database will significantly increase because of the additional service instance.

C. The database schema must be compatible to all running versions of a service.

D. The database is locked while its content is copied to the canary database.

E. Canary deployments require two synchronized instances of each database.

Correct Answer: BE

Question 2:

Which of the following git commands is used to manage files in a repository? (Choose two correct answers.)

A. git rm

B. git cp

C. git mv

D. git move

E. git copy

Correct Answer: AC

Question 3:

What implications does container virtualization have for DevOps? (Choose two answers.)

A. Containers decouple the packaging of an application from its infrastructure.

B. Containers require developers to have detailed knowledge of their IT infrastructure.

C. Containers let developers test their software under production conditions.

D. Containers complicate the deployment of software and require early deployment tests.

E. Containers require application specific adjustment to the container platform.

Correct Answer: AC


Question 4:

Which of the following HTTP methods are used by REST? (Choose three correct answers.)






Correct Answer: CDE


Question 5:

The file index.php, which is being maintained in a git repository, was changed locally and contains an error. If the error has not been committed to the repository yet, which of the following git commands reverts the local copy of index.php to the latest committed version in the current branch?

A. git lastver ?index.php

B. git revert ?index.php

C. git checkout ?index.php

D. git clean ?index.php

E. git repair ?index.php

Correct Answer: B


Question 6:

Which of the following statements are true about Jenkins? (Choose two correct answers.)

A. Jenkins is specific to Java based applications.

B. Jenkins can delegate tasks to slave nodes.

C. Jenkins only works on local files and cannot use SCM repositories.

D. Jenkins\’ functionality is determined by plugins.

E. Jenkins includes a series of integrated testing suites.

Correct Answer: BE

Question 7:

Which of the following information is contained in the output of git status? (Choose three correct answers.)

A. Changed files that will not be part of the next commit.

B. Locked files which cannot be edited until the lock is released.

C. Changed files that will be part of the next commit.

D. Unchanged files which have not been edited locally.

E. Untracked files which are not subject to version control.

Correct Answer: CDE

Question 8:

What happens when a merge conflict occurs in git? (Choose two correct answers.)

A. The conflicting files remain unchanged in the local repository.

B. Conflict markers are added to the files.

C. A new branch containing the remote changes is created.

D. The affected files are flagged as conflicting.

E. The newest version is placed in the local repository.

Correct Answer: DE

Question 9:

Which Ansible modules can be used to change the contents of a file? (Choose three correct answers.)

A. lineinfile

B. replace

C. patch

D. insert

E. modify

Correct Answer: ABC

Question 10:

Which of the following Ansible tasks copies the file example.txt to a manage system?


Correct Answer: B

Question 11:

Which Ansible command is used to manage and store sensitive data in encrypted files? (Specify ONLY the command without any path or parameters.)

A. ansible-vault

Correct Answer: A

Question 12:

Which of the following commands lists the cookbooks available on a Chef server?

A. kitchen cookbook list

B. chef-client cookbook list

C. chef-server cookbook list

D. chef-solo cookbook list

E. knife cookbook list

Correct Answer: C

Question 13:

Which of the following functions are provided by the Ansible apt module? (Choose two correct answers.)

A. Update an installed package to the latest version.

B. Update the list of available packages from configured repositories.

C. Re-compile an installed package from the source code.

D. Add the URL of a new repository to the package manager configuration.

E. Install a dpkg based Linux distribution on an empty target system.

Correct Answer: BE


Question 14:

What statement is true regarding the Swarm service created by the following command?

docker service create –name myweb –network webnet –mode global nginx

A. It runs exactly one time in the Swarm and cannot be scaled.

B. It runs exactly once on each node in a Swarm.

C. It runs on one node by default and can be scaled to an arbitrary number of replicas.

D. It runs on all nodes which provide the network webnet.

E. It runs only on those nodes which support the network type global.

Correct Answer: C

Question 15:

Which of the following mechanisms are used for service discovery in a container environment? (Choose two correct answers.)

A. The container platform offers a command like docker service discover which should be run within a container.

B. The container platform sets environment variables containing service information within the containers.

C. The container platform lists localhost ports assigned to containers in each container\’s /etc/services file.

D. The container platform mounts the sockets for all available services into the container\’s file systems.

E. The container platforms maintains DNS records which point to containers offering a specific service.

Correct Answer: BE