H13-531 Dumps Update | Credible Exam Preparation Materials

Need to pass the Huawei H13-531 exam to earn Huawei certification? Then it is best to get Passitdump’s latest H13-531 dumps (all the preparation materials needed for the H13-531 exam).

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Question 1:

What are the following included that Virtualization technologies are categorized by application scenario? (Multiple choice)

A. Full virtualization

B. Server virtualization

C. Desktop Virtualization

D. Paravirtualization

Correct Answer: BC

Question 2:

Huawei establishes a three-dimensional information security system for cloud computing from various aspects, such as the access client, access network, virtual platform, management.

A. True

B. False

Correct Answer: A

Question 3:

In Huawei FusionSphere solutions, about the description of the virtual machine complete migration, which is correct?

A. Support VM migrations on virtualized and non-virtualized storage

B. Only support virtualized inter-store migration

C. You can not migrate across clusters

D. The graphics processor, USB devices have little effect on the migration

Correct Answer: B

Question 4:

Which of the following are the deployment modes of Cloud platform? (Multiple choice)

A. Desktop cloud

B. Public cloud

C. Private cloud

D. Hybrid cloud

Correct Answer: BCD

Question 5:

When virtual machine network is obstructed on FusionCompute, which of the following is a possible fault point? (Multiple choice)

A. the PV driver is not installed on the virtual machine

B. The virtual machine does not have a network card

C. The network card is not enabled

D. Virtual machine firewalls Limit network traffic

Correct Answer: ABCD

Question 6:

What are the basic resource objects for Neutron components in Huawei FusionSphere OpenStack?

A. Security Group

B. Network

C. Subnet

D. Port

Correct Answer: BCD

Question 7:

What does the disaster recovery solutions of Huawei\’s cloud data center solutions contain?

A. Master and backup disaster

B. Double active capacity disaster

C. Two Places, three centers

D. Integrated disaster recovery

Correct Answer: ABC

Question 8:

Which of the following steps are involved in the migration process for Huawei FusionSphere services?

A. Migration assessment

B. Program design

C. Migration implementation

D. Migration and acceptance

Correct Answer: ABCD

Question 9:

Huawei ManageOne OperationCenter is the data center unified monitoring and management platform. Which of the following are the correct descriptions of the OperationCenter? (Multiple Choice)

A. When the management is FusionCompute of Huawei, FusionManager collects the object information, alarm information, capacity information of virtualization environment on the FusionCompute, and report to OperationCentere.

B. When the management is Huawei FusionSphere OpenStack, FusionManager collects the the alarm of virtualization environment on the FusionSphere OpenStack and report to OperationCentere.

C. When the management is VMware virtualized environment, the object information is collected by the VMware vCenter and escalated to the OperationsCenter through the FusionManager.

D. When the management is the physical equipment, use FusionManager as a monitoring management software, the FusionManager will report the physical equipment object, performance, alarm, event information to OperationCentere.

Correct Answer: ABC

Question 10:

Under the scenarios of Huawei FusionAccess application virtualization, which of the following way can the client through to get to the application list?

A. HDC returns to the application list according to the MAC address of the client

B. HDC returns to the application list according to the IP address of the client

C. HDC returns to the application list according to the client\’s user name D. HDC returns to the application list according to the user\’s user group name

Correct Answer: C

Question 11:

Which of the following network plane divisions and use does the FusionSphere cloud datacenter scenario involve? (Multiple choice)

A. Tunnel_Bearing

B. Internal_Base

C. External_OM

D. External_API

Correct Answer: BCD

Question 12:

In the FusionCompute, exporting the template to the shared directory fails, which of the following is recommended to repair the fault? (Multiple choice)

A. Make sure the network connection is OK

B. Confirm that FusionCompute is able to read and write shared directories

C. Make sure there is enough space in the shared directory

D. Restart FusionCompute

Correct Answer: ABC

Question 13:

Two VM communicate on FusionCompute, if the traffic transponders only through EVS, do not need to uplink to the physical switch, which of the following description is correct?

A. The source VM and the destination VM are on the same host; use different DVS, belong to different VLAN

B. The source VM and the destination VM are on the same host; use the same DVS, belong to the same VLAN

C. The source VM and the destination VM are on different hosts; use the same DVS, belong to the same


D. The source VM and the destination VM are on different hosts; use the same DVS, belong to different VLAN

Correct Answer: B

Question 14:

Which of the following description on the FusionAccess virtual machine release is wrong?

A. The virtual machine is issued according to the template for cloning, and then modifies the personalized data and associated users.

B. ITA components are responsible for the process of virtual machine distribution.

C. Before releasing virtual machines, you need to install and configure the FusionCompute and FusionAccess environment, to make the to-be-published virtual machine type template, and then to be released.

D. With the same footprint, the the released speed of the first linked-clone virtual machine is much faster than a full replicated virtual machine.

Correct Answer: D

Question 15:

Which of the following are HA scenarios that FusionCompute supports? (Multiple choice) A. HA after host failure

B. HA after storage link interruption

C. HA after the network link is interrupted

D. HA after virtual machine blue screen

Correct Answer: ACD